Friday, December 19, 2008

Let's Talk about .. Visual Studio 2003-Create SAP Web Service

P'Aoi, expert of dotNet in IT-BOT teached me how to create SAP Web Service.

The instruction to Create SAP Web Service

-Right Click at Your Project
-Click Add
-Click Add New Item
-Select Web Service
-Type Name: [Your Web Service Name].asmx
-Click OK

-In the .vb code, import the following libraries
Imports System.Web.Services
Imports System.Web.Services.Protocols
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Configuration

{[Your Project]/[Your Web Service Name])> _
{> _
{toolboxitem(false)> _

-Declare and define SAP Connection String
Dim cs As String = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("[Your SAP Connection String]")

-Declare Get SAP Connection Function
Private Function GetSAPConnection() As SAP.Connector.Connection
Dim objDest As New SAP.Connector.Destination
objDest.AppServerHost = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("AppServerHost")
objDest.SystemNumber = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("SystemNumber")
objDest.Client = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("Client")
objDest.Language = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("Language")
objDest.Username = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("Username")
objDest.Password = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("Password")
Return SAP.Connector.Connection.GetConnection(objDest)
End Function

-Create Your Function accoring to your SAP RFC like the example Hello World

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Let's Talk about .. Visual Studio 2003-Add SapConnectorProxy and Add Function Filter [R/3]

Yesterday, P'Aoi teached me how to set the SAP Connector Proxy and create the Function Filter.

The instruction to add the SAP Connector Proxy
-Check out all project
-Create Folder of SapProxy (to put whatever it's automatically generated)
-Create Folder of SapClass (to put what you create yourself)
-Add New Item
-Select SapConnectionProxy (Note: you need to install SapDotNetConnector)
-Select SAPConnectorProxy
-Type name.sapwsdl
-Click OK

-Select Server Explorer
-Expand SAP
-Right click at Application Servers
-Click Add Application Server
-Type the Server Destination
-Type Username, Password, Client, and Language that are used to log on the SAP Server
-Check whether you can expand the Alphabetical and Hierarchical or not.

-If Yes, it's ok. But otherwise, set the properties with the following SPECIAL STEPS suggestions:-
AppServerHost: [Your SAP Server name]
Client: [Your Client number]
DestinationType: Custom Logon Settings
Internal: SAP.Connector.Destination
AbapDebug: False
AppServerHost: [Your SAP Server name]
Client: [Your Client number]
HttpPath: /sap/bc/soap/rtc
HttpPort: 80
HttpProtocol: http

The instruction to Add Function Filter
-Right click at SAP->Application Servers->[Your SAP Server name]->Functions
-Click Add Function Filter...
-Type Name (to display in your Visual Studio)
-Type GroupFilter (which is your Function Group name you wanna filter)
-Click OK

Let's Talk about .. Visual Studio 2003-Create Web Application with virtual directory

P'Aoi just teached me how to create the web application with virtual directory by Visual Studio 2003. The reason why I've to use 2003 instead of 2005 is I'm gonna create web services to call RFC from SAP R/3 which needs to use SAP Connector that is suitable for dotNET 1.1.

The Instruction to Create Web Application with virtual directory

-Create folder
-Right Click at your folder
-Click Properties
-In Security tab, make sure you have the necessary permissions
-In Web Sharing tab, click Add
-Type the Alias
-In Access permissions, set Read and Directory browsing
-In Application permissions, set Scripts
-Click OK

-Enter IIS
-Right Click at Default Web Site
-New->Virtual Directory...
-Click Next
-Type Alias (as your set for your folder)
-Browse the directory (your folder of Step 1)

-Open Visual Studio 2003
-Select Project Types: Visual Basic Projects or Visual C# Projects
-Select ASP.NET Web Application
-Type Location: http://localhost/[your alias]
-Type OK

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Let's Talk about .. IIS-Settting Timeout

Today, my team got a problem to upload a large file to MOSS DocLib, so P'Roj from SysTeam told me how to configurate the timeout in IIS.

There are three kind of timeout:-

1. The instruction to set Web Site Connection Timeout

-Log in to Server
-Enter IIS Manager
-Right click at your website
-In Web Site tab, set the connection timeout in seconds unit

-Restart IIS

2. The instruction to set Application Session Timeout
-Log in to Server
-Enter IIS Manager
-Right click at your website
-In Home Directory tab, click Configuration button
-In Options tab, set the Session timeout in minutes unit

-Restart IIS

3. The instruction to ASP script timeout
-Log in to Server-Enter IIS Manager-Right click at your website
-In Home Directory tab, click Configuration button
-In Options tab, set the ASP script timeout in seconds unit
-Restart IIS

Monday, December 8, 2008

Let's Talk about .. MOSS2007-Modify blocked file list

Today I received the Error "The following file(s) have been blocked by the administrator" from my team when she uploaded the .exe file into DocLib. So I searched in the internet and I found this describes how to solve it. Thanks to Uday's Tech Home so much.

The instruction to modify blocked file in MOSS

-Log in to MOSS Server
-Go to Central Administration
-Go to Operation Tab
-In Security, click Blocked file types
-Then, you can add/remove file extension(s).

Thursday, December 4, 2008

SQL Server 2008 & Application Compatibility

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 comes with the concept "Your Data, Any Place, Any Time."

SQL Server 2008 provides a trusted, productive, and intellisent data platform that enables you to run your most demanding mission-critical applications, reduce time and cost of development and management of applications, and deliver actionable insight to your entire organization.

Yesterday I participated SQL Server 2008 & Application Compatibility seminar at Microsoft (Thailand) presented by Mr.Chulladej Aramsri.
I summarized this seminar as the following information..

SQL Server 2008 Upgrade Technical Value Proposition
Minor change
-Data/Backup Compression or even transaction by DB Server resource (Needs more CPU)
-TDE: Transparent Data Encryption by creating encrypted key which one of the easy ways is certificate (Needs more CPU)
-Resource Governor (Uses memory and CPU)
-Filtered Indexes / Statistic-Query Optimizer
-Auditing for database, object, and schema level (no coding) but it needs space for audit logs
-Reporting Services e.g. cube in many partitions and in many servers

Moderate Application:-
-Policy Based Management i.e. it can register as group of servers
-Performance Data Collection (PDC) which is a data warehouse to collect all database data for example, cube usage (SQL Profiler needs more time to process)
-Enhanced data and time, we can select only date or time. And there is new data type, Datetime2, which keeps in nanosecond unit
-New SQL commands and Intellisense in SQL Studio
- Sparse Column, it will not keep the column whose value is null, thus it needs less disk storage
-Service Broker Enhancements-SSIS/SSRS/SSAS Enhancements: For SSRS, no needing of web server

Significant Application:-
-Spatial Support: it can keep Geographic data
-File Stream Support: it can keep unlimited size of file stream depended on your hardware
-Hierachy data type
-CDC (Change Data Capture) and Change Tracking
-LINQ Support: LINQ is a new computer language that makes developers do connection easier.
-Entity Framework Support
-ADO.Net (Only Data Services Support)

Develing on Vision
1.Enterprise Data Platform e.g. Nasdax
2.Beyond Relation
3.Dynamic Development
4.Pervasive Insight

-Star Join
-Plan Guides
-Minimally Logged Insertion

-Up to 64 bit CPU and 1 TB RAM
-Scale out by Data Dependent Routing, Service Broker, and Peer-to-peer replication
-Table Locked Escalation
-File Stream
-Data Compression

-"Hot-Add CPU", which was Hot-Add Memory in SQL Server 2005. Anyway, users has to log off, then log in after adding the CPU.
-Auto Page Repair in Database Mirroring
-Improve Online Operation, for example, Online Restore

-Extensible Key Management

-Policy-based Management

Resource Governor:-
-Control COU and Memory

It reduces Support Costs since Policy, Data Collection, and Plan Guide & Validation

What's new
-T-SQL:- -MERGE command (aka UPSERT)
-Table-Valued Parameter
-Row Constructors
-Change Data Capture
-Peer-to-peer: Graphic design
-Extensive Key Management
-Report Designer Client (GUI like Office 2007)which is called Report Builder 2.0
-TABLIX (=Table + Matrix) Dynamic number of columns-Data Minding: drill-through to structure

New Market for SQL Server 2008
-Build location-aware Application
-Build Occasionally Connected System
-Expand Content Management Solution

Important Trends
1. Consolidation
2. Virtualization (SQL Server 2008 supports 100%)
3. Data in the Cloud

Upgrade Methodology

Identify requirement

1. SQL Server Edition
2. HCL (Hardware Consideration List) Run Upgrade Advisor
3. Perform Application Compatibility Testing

What's not in SQL Server 2008
-Undocumented system stored procedure
-Virtual Cube
-DUMP/LOAD database
-Backup with TRUNCATE ONLY
-Some are deprecated
e.g. Notification Services

More info..SQL Server 2008
SQL Server 2008 Developer Center

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Let's Talk about .. Visual Studio 2005-Reporting Services: Show 0.00 format

P'Kaew told me how my report in reporting services shows the format number of 0.00 (decimal point)

The instruction to show 0.00
-Right Click at the cell

-Click Properties
-In Format tab, set Format code: N

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Let's Talk about .. SQL Server 2005-How to convert datetime to date string

Since type Datetime in SQL Server 2005 consists of both date and time, thus sometimes when we want only date we need to do something. This is one of the ways to convert datetime.

CONVERT(varchar, CONVERT(datetime, convert (datetime, convert (varchar, datecol, 101), 101) ), 100)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Let's Talk about .. Visual Stuido 2005-Error The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool

“Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached. “

P'Beer told me that this problem is normally the result of our forgotten coding. We usually use SQLHelper to connect to the database. Inside SQLHelper, there are many methods. We often use ExecuteReader and forget to close the connection. This method doesn't automatically close the connection, because it returns object as SqlDataReader which has to open the connection while it's reading. Thus we have to close by ourselves, otherwise, the connections will stuck inside the pool til max pool size. In fact, dot net provides a garbage collector to collect the unused connections, however, we may have to wait for an hour. Therefore, the best way to do is closing connection everytime we finish execute reading.

Dim dr as SqlDataReader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(ConnectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, ”StroreProcedureName”, SqlParameter())
If dr.Read() Then
‘Do something
End If


As you see, we don't close the connection directly, but SqlDataReader instead since by colsing SqlDataReader, it closes the connection automatically.

Special Thanks to P'Beer Adisorn for this knowledge.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Let's Talk about .. Visual Stuido 2005-Open new window

I found one of the methods to open new windows (redirect to new page) from
This is how to redirect to new page.


Let's Talk about .. SQL 2005-Summation

The syntax to sum column A and B to be Summation is
Select sum (A+B) As Summation
Group By A,B,C

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Let's Talk about .. MOSS 2007-Permission Read VS View Only

Read: Read only
View Only: we can see only page but some documents cannot be seen

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Let's Talk about .. SQL Server 2005-Cast variable type

This is a way to cast the type of variable from String to Decimal
Declare @CurrentYear as varchar(4)
set @CurrentYear = Cast(@NextYear as decimal(18,3))-1

Friday, July 4, 2008

Let's Talk about .. Visual Studio 2005-Show Currency Format

I found on this website about how to show a text string with the format of the number (show comma symbol every 3 positions) and currency (show the currency symbol and comma symbol every 3 positions). In that website, there are two ways to show.

NumberResult.Text = String.Format("{0:N}", 111.11)
CurrencyResult.Text = String.Format("{0:C}", 222.22)

,and the second method..

Dim Value As Decimal = 3333.33
NumberResult.Text = String.Format("{0:#,#.###}", Value)

CurrencyResult.Text = String.Format("{0:$ #,#.##}", Value)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Let's Talk about .. SQL Server 2005-Case..When

Today P'Tao told me how to use case and when in SQL. This is the example.
, Sample =
WHEN 'A' THEN 'Apple'
WHEN 'B' THEN 'Banana'
WHEN 'C' THEN 'Coconut'
ELSE 'Panda' END
, Description
FROM Production.Product

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Let's Talk about .. Visual Stuido 2005-Currency format in Grid view

      Since I use a grid view to show my data, it shows the numeric data without comma and currency symbols. Thus, I searched the method and found that this website provides the solution to me

    The solution is adding HtmlEncode="False" and DataFormatString="{0:c} in to the code.

    For example,

    Tuesday, June 17, 2008

    Let's Talk about .. SAP SummIT 08

    Today I was assigned from my Team Executive to participate the SAP User Group Forum 08 or SAP SummIT 08 at Queen Sirikit National Convention Centre, Bangkok. The concept is Business Beyond Boundaries.

    Blueprint to a Billion Company

    One program that I think it's very interesting is 7 Essentials of Blueprint to a Billion Company by Mr.David G. Thomson who wrote Blueprint to a Billion.

    I summarized from what he said.. The Blueprint company is a company that makes revenue over a billion dollars. Well, and the seven essentials are...

    1. Create & Sustain a breakthrough Value Preposition
      For example, Starbuck, it's benefit = Product + Location + Experience

    2. Lessons from Top CEOs
      - Grow in mature, not emerging market
      For example, Starbuck, Nike, etc.
      - Stay close to customers
      - with Suppliers

    3. Marquee Customer
      Marquee Customers = Product Customer x Value Proposition Shaper x Lighthouse reference

    4. Leverage Big Brother Alliance
      For example, (I'm not sure if I remember correctly) Yahoo! and AT&T

    5. Become Master of Exponential Returns

    6. Management Inside and Outside Leadership

    7. Board: Comprised of Essential Experts

    Most Blueprint companies have 5 or more essentials. However, only the essentials are not enough, the company has to invest in the infrastructure, too.

    Bridging the gap between HR Requirements and Technology

    I also joined the Breakout Session of Bridging the gap between HR Requirements and Technology by Mr. Michael Custers, Vice-President of NorthgateArinso Co.,Ltd.

    He said that today global challenge consists of..

    • Demographics
    • Talent Management
    • Continuous Change
    • HR/Business Allignment

    Therefore, what we should do are the HR Transformation Study and HR Roadmap.

    • As Is: Collecting Data Model
    • To Be: Service Delivery Model
    • Enhanced user: Experience Through Tierred Service
      For example, Tier 0 is the website

    Monday, June 16, 2008

    Let's Talk about .. SQL Server 2005-Count the number of items from many sets of select

    P'Beer told me yesterday about how to find out the number of all items (from many selects). This is the solution.

    select count(*)
    from(select .......)
    UNION(select .......) Table_Name

    Note: you've to specify the Name (Table_Name) after the last select.

    Monday, June 9, 2008

    Let's Talk about .. SQL Server 2005-Manage Transaction

    When your stored procedure is running, what happen if something accidentally occurs? Your update procedure may just copy only some fields of some records.. then stop. Thus, we should manage the transaction for every neccessary stored procedure such as Add, Update, Delete, etc.

    This is the example of managing transaction that I found from


    [your process]

    IF @@ERROR <> 0

    Wednesday, June 4, 2008

    Let's Talk about .. Visual Stuido 2005-Features

    Today, P'Beer, the outsource at my office teached me about what the important features of Visual Studio 2005 over Visual Studio 2003. He said that there are three vital features:
    1. AJAX (Asynchnous JavaScript and XML), while Visual Studio 2003 retrieve the data via the XMLHttpRequest object.
    2. Master Page/Detail Concept.
    3. Theme/Skin which is also included CSS.

    Thursday, May 29, 2008

    Let's Talk about .. SQL Server 2005-Convert AD to BD

    I found the way to convert the AD to BD in the SQL query from

    convert(varchar(4), year(AD_Date) + 543)
    + '-' +
    + '-' +
    convert(varchar(2), day(AD_Date))
    as BD_Date,

    Friday, May 23, 2008

    Let's Talk about .. Visual Stuido 2005-Function Get DataTable or variable from SQL2005 Stored Procedure

    Public Shared Function GetDataTableByValueAAndValueB(ByVal ValueA As String, ByVal ValueB As String) As DataTable
    Dim ds As New DataSet
    Dim SqlParam As SqlParameter() = Nothing
    addParameter(SqlParam, "@ValueA ", ValueA)
    addParameter(SqlParam, "@ValueB", ValueB)
    Helper.SqlHelper.FillDataset(ConnectionString _
    , CommandType.StoredProcedure _
    , "spPBG_Trn_TrackingList_GetDataTableByValueAAndValueB" _
    , ds _
    , dtName _
    , SqlParam)
    Return ds.Tables(dtName(0))
    End Function

    Public Shared Function GetResultByValueAAndValueBAndValueC(ByVal ValueA As String, ByVal ValueB As String, ByVal ValueC As String) As Integer
    Dim SqlParam As SqlParameter() = Nothing
    addParameter(SqlParam, "@ValueA", ValueA)
    addParameter(SqlParam, "@ValueB", ValueB)
    addParameter(SqlParam, "@ValueC",ValueC )

    Dim dr As SqlDataReader = Helper.SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(ConnectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetResultByValueAAndValueBAndValueC", SqlParam)
    If dr.Read() Then
    Result = (Helper.ConvertHelper.NullToNothing(dr("Result")))
    End If

    Return Result
    End Function

    Wednesday, February 20, 2008

    Let's Talk about .. InfoPath 2007-Display the Current User in the form

    Last week, I found the way to display the username of the user who logged in and open this InfoPath form. I found the way in this article..

    Itay Shakury's article, InfoPath - Get the current user without writing code :

    This article suggests to get the current username via the web service UserProfileService at


    Let's Talk about .. Visual Studio 2005-String Compare in VB.Net

    I am familiar with C more than VB, I just know that to compare two strings, we can use

    "[string1]".ToString() = "[string2]"

    Let's Talk about .. SQL Server 2005-mySQLConnection

    The syntax if my mySQLConnection normally is

    mySqlConnection = New SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=[myServerName];Database=[myDatabaseName];Integrated Security=false;User ID=[username];Password=[password]")

    Integrated Security:
    True = No need username&password
    False = Need username&password

    Tuesday, February 19, 2008

    Let's Talk about .. MOSS2007-Where is the Virtual Directories?

    The Virtual Directories directories is located at C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories in the MOSS Server

    Monday, February 18, 2008

    Let's Talk about .. InfoPath 2007-Error Request for the permission of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientPermission failed

    Today I connected my InfoPath form to the SQL database, but when I ran it, I got the error "Request for the permission of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientPermission, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed." I read some articles in the internet, and I tried to solve this problem by setting the full trust, and it works.
    The instruction about how to set Full Trust.
    1. In the desing mode, click menu Tools.
    2. Click Form Options...
    3. Select Category Security and Trust.
    4. Check out the Automatically determine security level.
    5. Check Full Trust.
    6. Create the Certificate.
    7. Select that Certificate.
    8. Click OK.

    Then, when you open the form, you have to trust this certificate for the first time of using the form.

    Friday, February 15, 2008

    Let's Talk about .. InfoPath 2007-Hide the Control

    I found this article, Hide a control based on values on the form ::, related to my requirement. My requirement is data validation for the summary value of 4 text boxes must not greater than 100, thus I think I should create one text box to be the summary of them, then set the data validation at this text box but I don't want it to be shown so I have to hide it.

    The instruction about how to hide a control
    1. Double click at the control.
    2. ClickDisplay Tab.
    3. Click Conditional Formatting Button.
    4. Click Add Button.
    5. Set the condition and check Hide this Control.

    Note: some control can't be set as hide this control, but it can be set as Read-only.

    Tuesday, February 12, 2008

    Let's Talk about .. InfoPath2007-Customize Insert Item

    My new requirement is to remove the link "Insert Item" under the repeating table. I found one article helping me, the article Insert a repeating table :

    The instruction about customizing the Insert Item
    1. Double click at Repeating Table tab, below the repeating table.
    2. The Repeating Table Properties appears on screen. You can remove the check box of Show insert button and hint text to hide the Insert button. And you can click at Customize command to modify the Table command.
    3. In the Table command, you can add, remove, and change the command for that repeating table.

    Let's Talk about .. InfoPath 2007-Let's Start

    Last week I learned the InfoPath 2007 from P'Tum at my office after I read books and practice some exercises. InfoPath is the essential tool to create the form since there are many useful tool and nice template layout.

    P'Tum suggested us to learn more about InfoPath at the MSDN InfoPath Training :

    Thursday, February 7, 2008

    Let's Talk about .. SQL Server 2005-Foreign Key

    Foreign key is used to reference between two tables in the relational database. Foreign key has to be a primary key or the unique key of a referenced table. P'Kaew taught me how to make a relationship between tables in SQL Server 2005.

    The instruction about how to create the Foreign key
    1. Right click at which column attribute you want it to be a foreign key.
    2. Click Relationships.
    3. Click Add in the Foreign Key Relationships.
    4. Click the ... button.
    5. Select the table and the attribute to be a foreign key.

    Tuesday, February 5, 2008

    Let's Talk about .. VisualStudio 2005-Working with Visual SourceSelf 6.0

    By using Microsoft Visual SourceSelf, you can work as team. Many programmers can join one solution. When ProgrammerA checks out the item(s) out, other programmers cannot edit them. P'Aoi, senior system analyst at my office taught me today.

    The Instruction about how to add solution to SourceSelf's source control
    1. After creating the project or web site, click Add Solution to Source Control.
    2. Type Username, Password, and select database.
    3. Type the project name.
    4. Click Yes.
    5. Then, your solution is in Source Control. You have to check out to edit what you want.

    Friday, February 1, 2008

    Let's Talk about .. MOSS2007-Business Data Catalog

    Today, there was a meeting at my office, since our database is stored in SAP, but our site is on MOSS 2007, my boss suggested in the meeting room that our solution maybe the Business Data Catalog.
    Business Data Catalog is the new feature of MOSS 2007 that serves us to be able to enable MOSS 2007 surfaces with business data from SAP, or other LOB application, with minimal coding.
    Again, it's just my begining time. I just study about it from the msdn

    More info at

    Saturday, January 19, 2008

    Let's Talk about .. Accenture Technology Vision-Top Technology Trends 2007-2012

    There was a presentation of Top Technology Trends 2007-2012 at my office. The presenters are Mr. Vincent Wong and Mr.Yen Pin Ng. They told that there are 8 trends of the technology for 2007-2012.
    1. Virtualized Infrastructure
      This kind of technology still continues the growth rate. I understand that virtualezed infrastructure is subset of discrete distance. The purpose of it is to abstract the infrastructure and architecture. Since the average usage of server is underutilized, thus the way of sharing the processor calculation is the better way. For example, the Google Server farm in Oregon, Amazon Web Service, etc.
      However, if we talk about cluster, the cluster still work for the virtualized infrastructure since the cluster is above it.
    2. Standards-based Intel-operatibility &
    3. Process Orchestration
      Now: Point-to-point integration
      Tomorrow: Web-service based integration & Process Orchestration
      They compared this issue with the car manufactory,
      Manufactured: Original VW Beatle
      Assembly: Original Fiat Panda
      Platform: many cars
      The platform is the most simplified standardization.
      It is good to mix many services to create the new process since we don't have create the new whole process everytime.

      5 Major Technology enablers behind SOA (Service oriented architecture)
      1. Web Services XML, SOAP, UDDI
      2. Enterprise Services Bus (ESB)
      3. Business Process Orchestration (Transaction Manager)
      4. Business Activity Monitoring
      5. Service Registry (and/or repository)

      There are 4 phases of implamentation:
      Phase 4: Industrialized SOA
      Phase 3: Mission Critical
      Phase 2: Tactical Implementation
      Phase 1: Organize & Strategies
      If we have to start new SOA project, we should start at Phase 2.
      Else if we have essential existing systems, we should start at Phase 3.
      For more info, they suggested to visit the Tarpon Experiment at
    4. Adaptive Enterprise Intelligence
      Since the volume of ERP data increses everyday, Adaptive Enterprise Intelligence is the better technology to solve this problem.
      Today: Analyze data silos & produce report
      Tomorrow: Holistic view of data plus process adaptation
      The example tool is predictive equipment such as Expect oriented programming which is the program that uses sensor to look out whether it reaches the expectation or not.
      The current largest report company is MicroStrategy.
    5. Fluid Collaboration &
    6. Enterprise Mobility
      The trend will be changed from work alone to different time and different place. The tools that support this issue are E-mail, IM, conference call, etc. For example, HP Halo, Jazz, etc.
    7. Web 2.0
      It is the power of mess contribution over the internet. The example is the linkage of MS Popfly, Pipes, Lifo, Linked In, Facebook, YouTube, Flickr, Blogger, and Google Map.
      RIP (Risk Internet Application) is the web application that have feature and function of traditional desktop application. For example, Yahoo Finance, etc.
      AJAX (Aynchronous Javascript and XML), it makes no need of page reloading, but it runs the server in background.
      Adobe Flash and Flex
      Windows Presentation Foundation
    8. Industrialized System Development
      It's tool to support trend 1-7. Software environments are evolving from IDEs -> ADM -> CDEs. CDMs make many people be able to develop program as team.

    Friday, January 18, 2008

    Let's Talk about .. SharePoint Designer 2007-Style of List Body

    .ms-vh,.ms-vh2,.ms-vh-icon,.ms-vh-icon-empty,.ms-vhImage,.ms-gb,.ms-gb2,.ms-gbload,.ms-vb,.ms-vb2,.ms-vb-tall,.ms-GRFont,.ms-vb-user, td,.ms-vh2-nofilter,.ms-vh2-nograd,.ms-vh3-nograd,.ms-vh2-nograd-icon,.ms-vh2-nofilter-icon,.ms-pb,.ms-pb-selected,.ms-ph{

    is the style to modify the font of the list body.

    Monday, January 14, 2008

    Let's Talk about .. Word 2007-Different odd-and-even header and footer

    Today I was asked by my friend about how to create the Word document that the odd pages and even pages have different header. I searched the method from the internet, anyway, she can do it before I know haha.

    The instruction about how to create the different odd-and-even header

    1. After creating the new document, go to Insert Tab->Header.
    2. Select any type of the header you want.
    3. Tick the Different Odd & Even Pages.

    4. Your odd and even pages are different.

    Saturday, January 12, 2008

    Let's Talk about .. K2 Blackpearl

    Last Thursday, there was a product presentation in my office. It's K2
    . I've never use the product of K2 before, but since my works are
    involving with SharePoint, thus I was assigned to listen this presentation.
    K2 Blackpearl comes with the concept "It's Simple" and "Workflow was just the

    In the past, K2 2003 is known as the workflow engine, but the new version,
    Blackpearl, is the Platform. By default, its port is 5555.

    The new concept that is used in the Blackpearl is "Building Blocks". The
    concept that comes to serve the end users. Blackpearl separates the users into
    3 types:

    1. Users of SharePoint or the business end users: it provides the simplest
      method. The users can draw diagram if they has permission. If we compare it with the using of SharePoint Designer, it easier since it's just drag-and-drop
      to make workflow.

    2. Users of Visio: Users can use Visio to draw the diagram. The new object can be assigned the value to make Blackpearl know what that object is before
      creating the workflow.

    3. Users of Visual Studio or developers: Users can use Visual Studio 2005 to
      develop the workflow. K2 can be kept in Visual SourceSafe.

    Anyway, by creating workflow with Blackpearl, whatever method you use, you can get the source code of it to further develop by Visual Studio 2005.

    Users are suggested to create the "Smart Object" Server with the concept of
    the Building Block. By this concept, it's simply since all items that are
    created can be reused. The Smart Object is the abstract class for representing
    the business entity for entire Blackpearl. It consists of Properties and

    K2 Blackpearl is easy to execute since it conceals into MOSS. The users do not
    feel different when using Blackpearl.

    In Blackpearl's workflow, it provides function Delegate. It makes us be able
    to decentralize our work. For example, when the Executive approver receives
    the task to approve a lot of documents, he can assign some works to other
    people. And he is able to set the permission of that people, too.

    We can set the number of slot of the approvers. For example, some documents
    may need only 50% of approvers to approve.

    Blackpearl provides the K2 Web Designer for users to create and modify
    workflow on web, i.e., only web browser is the requirement. However, this
    function works for only MOSS2007.

    Creating workflow with Blackpearl extends the concept of workflows that are
    created by SharePoint Designer that the workflow does not only set
    specifically to only one library, but it can be shared to many library but
    upon to the user who has been set the permission to use.

    When the workflow starts, the task of approve will be kept in 2 place: K2 Work
    Space and (MOSS) Task.

    In this new version, K2 Rom is SourceCode.Workflow.Client

    For the Service Object, the users have to programe themselves, however, K2
    provides the SDK to develop it.

    The advantage of the K2 Blackpearl Smart Object

    1. You have to create once.

    2. It can be used to generate report via Report Designer.

    3. It's based on

    4. It provides Microsoft InfoPath 2007 Integration to allow access Smart
      Object without coding. For MOSS2007, it uses Business Data Catalog to access the Smart Object.

    Friday, January 11, 2008

    Let's Talk about .. MOSS2007-Task E-mail is not sent

    Yesterday, P'Aey told me after the day before yesterday I came back to test my workflow and found that the E-mail was not sent to the approver. This problem occured after there was the restoring the site from other server. She tested something and it works. What she did is just turn off the e-mail notification and turn it on later... O_o I'm still confused but it's ok

    The instruction
    1. Go to the setting of Task.
    2. Click Advance setting.
    3. Click Off at the E-mail notification.
    4. Click OK.
    5. Click Advance setting (again).
    6. Click On at the E-mail notification.
    7. Click OK.