Thursday, May 27, 2010

Let's Talk about .. Google Japanese Language input

Today there's a lecture about "Google Japanese Language input(Google 日本語入力)". Actually, I don't (quite) understand what the speaker described because the whole lecture was in Japanese. So I just followed his slides and searched the internet myself.

He talked about the Google Japanese Language input. He described the algorithms inside this input.

Google Japanese Language input beta installer is here...
There's a program for inserting Japanese language transformation like IME that everyone is using.
Google is developing the Google Japanese Input by using automatically generate from texts on the web, which Google itself has ability to collect the data, as the method to make typing Japanese easy, especially Japanese name.
It's available for both PC(32-bit) and MAC.
They use TRIE algorithm and prefix algorithm to calculate the suggested result.

Moreover, user can send more vocabulary to Google Social dictionary to help them improve the Japanese dictionary.

Then, I tried to download and install it..

Click the button to download. Google find the suitable version for your OS.

Agree and Install

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Let's Talk about .. Abstact Algebra

There was one time my Prof., Dr.Iijima, said in our lab party. He said that Algebra is like Love because it is a binary operation. Wowwww.. it's very cool idea.

i.e., Love is like, you know, a binary operation between two persons. for example, A loves B.

Let's Talk about .. Market Reaction to ASP Adoption

I was a commentator of Maeda's presentation in my lab's seminar. He chose the Information & Management Journal's paper "Market Reaction to Application Service Provider(ASP) Adoption: An Empirical Investigation" by Bong-Keun Jeong and Antonis C. Stylianou from University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

I like this paper. It talks about the market reaction from the announcement of ASP adoption in the company samples. The way he planed his research paper was described very well. He explained the methodology in detail.

This paper makes me know that there is a quite positive effect of ASP adoption announcement.