Thursday, February 14, 2013

Let's Talk about .. The 10th Tokodai Science Cafe

This year, there is the 10th Tokodai Science Cafe at Tokyo Institute of Technology. Tokodai is an abbreviation of Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japanese. This time I am one of the organizer team. I'd like to introduce you to join if you're interested in.

Designed by Natsumi Takahashi

The 10th Tokodai Science Cafe
Theme: さわる 感じる 伝える こころ
Date: Saturday February 16th, 2013
Time: 13:00-15:30 (Door open: 12:45)
Venue: 手島精一記念会議室, Tokyo Tech Front 3rd Floor, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ookayama Campus
Entrance fee: 500 Yen (Including drink and snacks)
Language: Japanese (mainly)
Note: Web register is required